
The Gardener

Science discovers it never creates. Everything in the Cosmos is the artwork of one great artist. Sometimes, It is funny to accept that in a World full of distractions individuals think flowers can bloom without a gardener. |  Afzaal Ashhar

Trust No 1

There are only 6% tomatoes in a bottle of tomato catchup, the rests are sugar and harmful chemicals, and they market their product as they offer you a bathtub full of the world's most precious tomatoes. |  Afzaal Ashhar

A Perfect Start

The start does not superior, but the end could be flawless. These rules do not apply to the Prime Creator of this invincible Cosmos. Alike, Our Scientific laws don't apply to a Singularity. |  Afzaal Ashhar

The Awakening

Waking up does not mean you do Meditation and test your senses in an attempt to open the Third eye. Awakening is a discipline that instructs you to abandon all your urges and take a step back to observe which way the World is going and if you can see that chaos, Congratulations! You have awakened. |  Afzaal Ashhar

A Man Never Fails!

A Man never fails, the loss is ever for his ego. The more a person surges in his ego, the more he suffers |  Afzaal Ashhar

Religions v Science

It is constantly said, "No faith in the world speaks on a Scientific scale." This is a falsehood, the fact is Science never speaks on the Spiritual scale. |  Afzaal Ashhar